Sunday, March 1, 2009



I'm Scott, currently a self-tutoring student of classical Latin. I'm also proficient in French, Italian, and most fluent in Spanish, my second language. My interests are mostly in philosophy, literature, poetry, history, and linguistics.

My aim is to post my own translations, sometimes with accompanying comments, of excerpts from the classical literature which I am currently reading. As I begin this blog, I am recovering from a broken ankle, so I will likely be able to give this project a lot of time. However, as I go back to work, time will be more of an object, so posts could get to be as brief as a couplet at times.

What exactly will I be posting? My current Latin projects are two prose works: Livy's Ab Urbe Condita, Book I, Cicero's Orator, and Vergil's Eclogues. I will mostly be focusing on these for awhile. I might also take a crack at other works that I read intermittently, such as Dante's Divina Commedia, the novels of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and even English works, like those of Milton and Shakespeare, among others.

The main purpose of this project is to expose myself to the critique and observation of others who may be more knowledgeable than myself. I welcome any and all comments, corrections, and reactions.

Also, for those of you who are students of Latin or any of my other languages, I also like to practice by giving help. I'm more than happy to post answers alongside my main projects.

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